Well done to the Campus Ministers and Chaplains of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies! At their meeting this fall they moved beyond complaining and took action. They developed an Overture to the 2010 General Assembly, and Heather Jones Libich, FPC Cedar Falls, brought it to her Presbytery.
At the March 2nd meeting, the Presbytery approved the Overture which:
1. Directs the General Assembly Mission Council to re-establish an Office of Collegiate Ministries.
2. Directs that Office to prepare a strategy for Mission in Higher Education.
3. Directs that the Office present the strategy to the 220th (2012) general Assembly.
I hope other collegiate ministry supports will get their presbyteries to concur with this Overture. The presbyteries will have to postmark their concurrence to the Office of the General Assembly by May 4, 2010. The more presbyteries that concur add weight to to the Overture.
If you've been concerned about the direction of the denomination's inaction concerning collegiate ministry, and if you complained about it, now is the time to take some action!! Get your presbytery on board!!!
Here is a full copy of the Overture. When is officially posted on the GA business site, I will update this link. But this will get you started!!!
2018 Conference
Creating Many Ripples Best Practices in Campus Ministry featuring workshops
from the Campus Ministry Theological Exploration of Vocation Initiative*
June 8...
7 years ago
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