Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Spirituality of Emerging Adults

Christian Smith's Souls in Transition should be must reading for anyone engaged in college ministry.
In addition, a few recent articles have expanded and helped provide insights into our ministry with emerging adults. Here are a few to stimulate your thinking when you're snowed in!

The New York Times had an excellent article by Robin Marantz Henig in it's August 18,2010 Magazine, "What Is It About 20-Somethings? Why are So Many People in Their 20s Taking So Long to Grow Up?"

The Los Angeles Times recently ran an article on "Spirituality Finds a Home at College," using data from UCLA's Spirituality in Higher Education report.

Albert Mohler, the President of Southern Baptist Seminary, reviewed Souls in Transition on his blog, and encouraged evangelicals to read the book.

The Changing Spirituality of Young Adults Project, has a wealth of articles on the spirituality of emerging adults. The project is funded by a Lily Grant.

Christianity Today had an interview with Christian Smith after Souls in Transition was published. It is a wonderfully succinct encapsulation of his research.

Alexander W. ("Sandy") Austin, the author of Spirituality in Higher Education report mentioned above, published a book in November with his wife entitled, Cultivating the Spirit: How College Can Enhance Student's Inner Lives . I have it on order and will review it later this year.

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